Pregnancy & Fertility - Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome (PCOS, PCO), Androgen and the Law of Attraction

Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome (PCOS, PCO)
Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome is the most common endrocrine disorder in women of child bearing years (Broomsma et al, 2008). PCOS is associated with infertility, frequent first trimester miscarriage, and an increased risk of gestational diabetes (Goldenburg & Glueck, 2008) so it can be devastating for women.
One of the most salient issues associated with polycystic ovaries syndrome is that a woman's body produces an excess of male hormones known as androgens.
The Law of Attraction
We know from the law of attraction that in order for something to manifest in your experience, you must be a vibrational match to it. So your beliefs/thoughts and feelings (conscious or otherwise) are in alignment with the experience of what is happening for you (in this case PCOS).
Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome and the Law of Attraction
That does not mean that you has to be thinking about infertility issues or polycystic ovaries syndrome for it to appear in your reality. What is means is that the vibration of PCOS is in some way a match for what is going on in your consciousness.
We are living in a patriarchal society in which 'maleness' and manhood is valued more the 'femaleness' and womanhood. We have been taught that the expression of emotion or listening to your intuition is somewhat inferior to being strong and practical.
In this environment, it is easy to understand how a woman's body might (unconsciously) expend more energy in producing androgen ...which is vibrationally aligned to maleness (and what has been valued by society up until now) as it mirrors the messages we may have received in childhood.
Deirdre Morris has just written her first book 'Get Pregnant and Stay Pregnant with the Law of Attraction'. She would like to invite you to visit [] for a Free Gift Sample her Pregnancy Workbook which supports you in inspired fertility, pregnancy and birth with the Law of Attraction.
